Request an article, book, or book chapter not found in the library using InterLibrary Loan


Use InterLibrary Loan (ILL) to request a source that the library doesn't own, but can get you for free.  If you found the item in the RLB catalog already, you can follow directions to place a request through the catalog.

To place an ILL request for a title you know but haven't searched in the library catalog:

  1. Click the InterLibrary Loan link in the "students" or "faculty and staff" tabs on the library's homepage.
    Interlibrary loan link for students on library homepage

    Interlibrary loan link on faculty or staff tab
  2. You will be prompted to log into the system with your netID and password if you are not logged in already.
  3. Chose the type of material you'd like to request from the drop down menu of New Requests.
    Interlibrary loan new request drop down menu
  4. Fill in the source's bibliographic information (title, author, publisher, volume and issue number, page range you need, etc) in the blank request form. 
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the purple Submit Request button.

  6. You can check the status of your loan request through the InterLibrary Loan link in the "Students" or "Faculty and Staff" tab on the library's homepage.
    Interlibrary loan link on RLB homepage

    Interlibrary Loan link on RLB homepage
  7. Click the InterLibrary Loan link and then select from the list of:
    1. Electronically Received Articles (you now can access)
    2. Checked Out Items (physical content you checked out from other libraries)
    3. Outstanding Requests (requests you placed but have not been fulfilled by the library)
  8. Interlibrary Loan check status of request
  • Last Updated Dec 16, 2021
  • Views 100
  • Answered By Kristin Conlin

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