How can I access architectural records for my house in Roland Park, Guilford, or Homeland neighborhood?

I need architectural plans for my house. Does your archives have them? Can you send me a digital copy?


Special Collections and Archives holds the Roland Park Civic League Records (R0104-RPCL), which contain architectural records and blueprints for houses in Roland Park and other Baltimore neighborhoods including Guilford and Homeland properties.

If you would like to request digital scans of architectural plans, please send us a request with the address you are looking for and we will be happy to search the collection for you and work to get you digital copies of the plans.

If we can't find your house address in our database, we suggest that you also contact the Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries Special Collections department where the other half of the collection is held. Your house plans may be in their collection: Roland Park Company records (MS-0504). 

Additionally, you can also search the finding aid to find out if the collection includes architectural plans for your house.

We suggest using the box to the right that says "Search Collection" and searching using your house number and street name. 

Alternatively, you can select the desired neighborhood or properties in the Collection organization section of the finding aid and try scrolling through under the specific neighborhoods and properties to find an address.

Option 1: Type an address into the Search Box in the finding aid to search the collection for architectural plans

Option 2: Select a specific neighborhood or properties (example: Guildford Properties, 1905-1982) from the listed properties in the finding aid, then select Architectural Drawings and scroll through to search for an address.

Some (but not all) architectural plans have been digitized and made available online through the finding aid. 

When you find a specific address in the finding aid, click on it to see if there are any digitized plans connected to it -- look for a red digital materials icon such as the one below:

Again, if you'd like to request records to be digitized, check out our Digitization Policy and send us a request.

Please Contact Us with any questions or to request a digitized copy of architectural plans for your house.

  • Last Updated Mar 23, 2023
  • Views 827
  • Answered By Aiden Faust

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