WRIT300 Ethnography EXPLAINED
WRIT300 Ethnography assignment instructions can be found in your course's Sakai page.
Below is an explanation of how to think about an ethnography and how to research for this assignment:
- View the "interview with a professional" as part of the research for the assignment.
*this is background research
- Ideally the interview and the secondary sources will enhance each other, so you'll make the most of the interview if you have enough background knowledge to ask good questions. Do some research before the interview/before you write the questions.
- Sources that are "credible and appropriate" are going to vary a lot here based on discourse community and what you want the show to the reader. View the instructions as a partial list of information needs and think carefully about what role each source fills.
- Regardless of discourse community, not all sources will be peer reviewed sources. If you had only peer reviewed sources you would surely be doing your research wrong.
Because some of things you'll want to know, like community values, are better found through things like the websites of professional organizations, blogs, or even things like discussion forums or job descriptions. This means you'll likely want to use a mix of search tools including both commercial search engines and the library.